In 1946 Grady A. Snow purchased
Smith Studio at 206 N. Main Street and changed it to Snow Studio
and Camera Shop. The business was based on portraits, cameras,
photofinishing, photographic supplies, and framing. Raymond Myers (an
employee since 1953) bought the studio from Grady in 1971. Raymond and
his step-son James Powers formed a partnership in 1972. In December
of 1985 the business location changed to its current location at 2616
N. Main Street. Raymond retired in 1993 and the ownership turned over
to James Powers. Today Snow Photo and Digital Imaging is a family run
business of 4 employees: James, his wife Judy, their son Jeff, and Raymond
All our loyal customers deserve
a big THANK YOU for their continued business and support. With them,
we have managed to operate for more than 50 years.
- 1972: A color lab was
added to the operation.
- 1995, August: a one
hour lab and a digital imaging center were added.
- 1997, December: A new
one hour system replaced the old one in order to process the Advanced
Photo System (APS) film.
- 1999, May: A large format
printer and laminator were added to our digital imaging services.
- 2000, January: The name
was changed to Snow Photo & Digital Imaging.
- 2000, March: A new digital
printer was placed allowing digital files to be printed (up to 12”x18”)
on standard photographic paper.
- 2001, September: A state
of the art Polielectronica LaserLab was
added to our digital lab. The LaserLab uses laser technology to
extremely HIgh Resolution images on standard photographic paper.
LaserLab also has a maximum print size of 20 x 30 with unbelievable
speed and quality.
- 2002, October: A Durst
Sigma High Resolution Film Scanner was added
to our digital lab. The SIgma handles both Positive and Negative
originals either in( roll form or cut strips) with outstanding results.
The Sigma also uses ASF's Digital Ice to insure high quality scans.